Most of the industries we (Kaleidico) serve are moving through another round of volatility.
Not entirely on the scale of COVID sweeping through the US, but a little unsettling. Interest rates and inflation are rising quickly. Most economists predict consumer demand to simmer down—all amidst geopolitical uncertainty and related commodity and goods supply-side challenges.
So, I thought I would devote this Saturday’s newsletter to the most productive business objective you can focus on in times of uncertainty - sales.
No one ever got laid off or business closed due to strong sales.
To make this as helpful and practical as possible, I will focus on three straightforward sales scripts that you can try to get more conversations this week.
No one answers their phone anymore, so change how you use this tool in your sales process. Phone calls (or voicemail drops) are for increasing the success of your other outreach efforts.
Here is my favorite new voicemail script.
The goal is to get them to open and read your email outreach.
I picked this technique up from Nick Cegelski ( on Linkedin.
Voicemail: Check my email
{{first_name}}, no need to call me back.
I'm about to send you an email with the subject line: Just Called You.
When you get a minute to give me your thoughts on that email, I'd appreciate it.
It's {{agent_name}} with {{company_name}}.
Every salesperson starts their voicemails with their name and company.
Try leaving your name, organization, and contact at the end of the voicemail.
Don’t try to pitch on voicemail.
Give the prospect a sense of control and refer them to your email.
You’ll get a better open rate on cold outreach and probably more callbacks.
Continuing with the theme of no one answering their phone, here is an excellent text message for getting unresponsive leads to re-engage.
This technique comes from Daniel Cross ( over at, a platform company that warms up cold leads for a living.
Text Message: Name?
Using the first name and a question mark has a tremendous response rate, especially after a series of ignored text messages.
Often, you’ll get a: "Yes, who's this?" or "Sorry, I've been busy."
Regardless, this typically sparks the conversation.
Don’t get stuck on read.
Finally, I like to try to go for the scheduled appointment for your initial lead follow-up.
This approach is a prevalent approach within the B2B sales world. But, post-pandemic and in the consumer-direct world that has emerged, consumers are getting very comfortable with scheduling appointments online.
Increasingly consumers expect and prefer this option.
Consumers like the control it gives them over the time and place of the sales conversation. You’ll love it because you’re not wasting time chasing down prospects intentionally avoiding you.
Initial Outreach to Inbound Lead
Thanks for reaching out. We're looking forward to hearing more about {{customer need}} and how we can help with {{our capability}}.
Our next step together is to schedule a discovery call:
If you already scheduled a time, just make sure the appointment made it to your calendar.
During our discovery session, we will run through the following agenda in about 30 minutes:
Discuss your objectives and get to know your company
Take a quick inventory of your current approach
Craft a quick initial approach to hit your objectives
Of course, we'll also introduce ourselves and answer any questions you might have about working with Kaleidico.
This email gets a nearly 100% schedule rate and an almost 0% ghost rate.
Here's my theory:
Clear next step
Clear agenda
Clear time commitment required
Clear benefit - you're going to walk away with at least an initial solution for free
Clear that it is about solving their problem, not grandstanding about our greatness
Give these three sales scripts a try next week. Hit reply and share any of your favorites, and I may feature them in the future.
If you want even more sales scripts, check out my Sales Script Courses: