Weekend Edition: Send cold emails that looks like a newsletter
Be more successful with cold email outreach
Is your mindset hurting your cold email outreach?
Take a quick look at your inbox (maybe your spam folder), and flip through a few of the recent cold outreach emails that you’ve received.
Here’s one of mine.
What do you notice?
He’s going hard for the sale - compelling benefit, trying to schedule a call and tons of social proof.
The problem is I get a ton of emails just like this for very similar product offerings. They all look the same. And, they’re all immediately asking me for my time - a meeting.
I don’t know about you, but when I get a cold email asking for a meeting (my time) it’s an easy delete.
If you’re sending cold emails like these you’re creating too much friction.
Let’s switch it up
I want you to take another look into your email inbox…
This time look for newsletters. I have a special folder for these.
Here’s mine.
What do you notice? I have a lot of them. Most of them are open. I don’t really delete them, I just archive them off.
Because most of them have some morsel of value. They teach me something, give me something to think about, or something to try.
So, why not try this?
Send cold emails that look more like email newsletters.
I’ve used this effectively to increase open and click-through rates for both B2B and B2C cold email campaigns.
I’ve also used this tactic to smoothly transition cold email lists into my long-term lead nurturing campaigns - email newsletter.
(This is a wicked fast way to build a lead-generating email list.)
Here’s the formal for one of these emails:
A subject line that has an educational or informative hook
One interesting tip, trick, or idea. Something like what you would write a blog post about. Better yet, shorten the email and introduce the blog post and link back to it on your website.
Tell them what you do and how to reach out to you - email and phone number. Short, sweet, but at the end of every email.
What do you think? Worth a try?
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